Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dress-up and Henna

June 18th, 2014

Today we have been just sitting around the house, enjoying time.  The family is very silly.  They spend all day making jokes toward one another.  It’s like making fun of one person and everyone laughs and laughs, even the person being made fun of.  Their aunt, who has Alzheimer’s, is always the brunt of the jokes but she laughs so often.  They play tricks with her.  For example, my stuffed animal fox...They throw it at her and she jumps and shouts because she is afraid of it.  Then, everyone laughs, she laughs and its really funny.  Then they do it again and she is scared all over again and everyone laughs again.  This continues for hours.

At the end of the day we played dress up.  They put me in Moroccan style clothing and did my make up.  The dress was fancy and stiff with layers of lace and a belt to hold the many layers together.  It was white and beaded as well.  They also called a women who came to the house to do henna on us.  All the girls got henna done. Sam and I got it on our hands and our feet.  Mine was a beautiful flower design that is done most commonly in Morocco.  After that, we sat still for hours, letting the henna dry.  We couldn’t move, especially out of fear of getting it on our luxurious dresses.  They prepared a huge feast to say goodbye, but I could barely eat because the henna was also on the inside of my hands.  At the end of the night they put socks on our hands.
That was our last night in Azrou.

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